Headquarters, Joint Readiness Training Center and Fort Polk
Dear Bernie,
On behalf of the soldiers and Families of Joint Readiness Training Center and Fort Polk we would like to soundly thank you for bringing your message to Fort Polk, Louisiana. your message still resounds within the Soldiers and Family members that were impacted by your words. Our alcohol incidents have gone down since your visit. While I can’t unequivocally say it was all to do to your message, I do know that your message was a major part in the process. As I go about my daily business I still have Soldiers coming up to me and saying “Best training that I ever had during my Army career”. Your wit and humor coupled with your sincerity brought home a serous message that we have been trying to get across to our Soldiers. Your message reached our Soldiers in choosing to become personally responsible for themselves and their Battle Buddies.
Once again, many, many thanks for the message to our Soldiers and Families of Joint Readiness Training Center and Fort Polk.
Thomas Gilliard,
Alcohol Drug Control Officer
Army Substance Abuse Program
For Polk, LA