Congrats to “I Killed” raffle book winners: Lance Dolajak, Jordan Cochran and Amanda Hanley!!
What a great day I had with our fine Marines, Soldiers and Command at Camp Lejeune today!! Thank you for taking time out of your day to join me and pack the base theater for some laughs and hopefully a message that resonated on some level with all of you. Thank you to Amanda McKinnon and colleagues for bringing me here (see pics below courtesy of Amanda).
What a treat!!
Good show! Thanks for coming!
Great show with a great message!
Awesome experience very funny and loved how he incorporated his stories with the comedy. Great training and look forward to another show.
It was a great show with a great message. First time I had fun with mandatory training
Thanks for the strong message in such an enjoyable way
Great show! Powerful message!!!
Awesome show, glad we didn’t have to sit through power points for a change. Thank you for talking with the Marines and giving some valuable lessons.
I’m glad you came and spoke with us. It helps the Marines knowing they aren’t alone in what they may be going through.
First training I’ve sat through and actually enjoyed, thank you
Thanks for signing the book for my friend. Not entering, just leaving a message!
Best brief I’ve set in. Thank you for sharing your personal story. I hope that the Marines really took something away from it.
Really great show. Funny and really touching in the end. Truly a pleasure to see the show.
You are the man
Was in the theater today, great show, thanks for the advice and thanks for sharing your story with all of us
Great comedian with a good story to tell
Great show! We appreciate you sharing your stories with us.
Great story lots of laughs
Awesome show! Thanks for taking time out of your day for all of us at 8th Comm!
Funny show with a good message. Happy to have herd it!
Amazing show! Did a great job with military humor.
An great show
Freaking hilarious and inspirational! Anytime you wanna come back!
I was there! Great training!
So much fun and such a great message! Thank you for coming!
Outstanding! I feel like I’m part of Bernie’s family now. Thank you
Great show enjoyed it. A lot better than power point
PowerPoint would have been better joking almost made me feel something!
Great comedian with a good message
I went in to the theater pissed. I thought I would be struggling to stay awake. Instead I was very alert as I was accompanied with great comedy and a very sensitive topic that was delivered excellently. Bernie saves the day!
First training I’ve sat through and actually enjoyed, thank you
Really refreshing to show up to training that is conducted in a creative manner and not just sitting through the same lame slide show presentations that are given every year. Thanks for the laughs and for sharing your personal experiences as well.
The show was amazing. I hope it opens the eyes of all the people you spoke to today. Thanks for spending your time and expressing the lessons that you had to over come in your life. I know there are many people who can relate to this story. Thanks for your commitment.
Bernie rocks
It was a great show! Nice morning treat
Loved how you were able to just tell a strong story after all the fun and jokes
Great show!! So inspiring and funny!! You thank you for coming out and talking to us. You had so much to say that gave away life lessons and advice. I know we Marines will take something from you today. Again thank you.
Great show with a great end. I definitely needed that.
Thanks for coming out.
Good show, much better to share a message about awareness with show rather than a PowerPoint.
This is a great way to get a good message across.
Great show, thanks for coming to Camp LeJeune.
I was there
When he doesn’t expect the boot socks
. Third for the bone sticking out.
Awesome show Bernie!! Way to put a positive spin on a tropically boring event
A great show and an awesome message. Thank you for taking the time to talk to us. I will kill tomorrow.
Great show. better than PowerPoint. Kill em all.
In 13 years I’ve been to a lot of mandatory fun and mandatory training. Something they don’t really serve a purpose because The audience isn’t interested, nor do they care about the topic.
But today was different, I think taking comedy and tying it into training could really change the value of the training. Granted Marines are not one to want to get involved in the act, but I can say they’re attention was caught, and maybe resonated enough for the message to stick enough to share with someone in need. Thanks for Coming
My favorite part was when you said “it was turning into an innie”! Great talk!
was refreshing
Great show!!
Headache- 2 Tylenol, broken arm- 4 Tylenol, cancer- 6 Tylenol
Change your socks!!
Thanks for putting a twist on a good message!!
Thank you for coming again!!
Awesome show, no my ford doesn’t run on milk -_-
Great show, great story, funny guy, and one of my favorites was seeing him scratching out content that hardly anyone laughed at. That in itself was funny. And best of all, “no PowerPoint!”
had a great laugh with a lot of truth in todays message. This mandatory brief had a lot of value and would absolutely love to sit through this again in the future.
Good stuff Bernie.
Glad we get opportunities to hear testimonies like this from a great comedian and person.
The show was great! And the message was powerful! Thank you for sharing your story.
Great show man! Really loved the message and the jokes!
I’m sure your brother (Shawn/Sean) would of not made fun of a Ford like he does your fiat.
Great message you had and I hope many listen to it.
Great show man! Really appreciate the time you took out of your day to entertain us and send us a message
Thank you for teaching us how to become resilient. It will definitely be impactful.
Thank you for coming and spreading this powerful message of resiliency and seeking help. We appreciate everything you do and sharing your personal stories!
Thanks for coming out! Awesome show and great job!
Hey man just had your show at the base theatre! Great stuff and was the best non power point training I’ve had.
Great show Bernie!! Thanks for coming out!
Amazing show, definitely something to be proud to be a part of.
Thank you for the honest and valuable training! Very much valued the time you spent with us! Semper Fidelis!
Thank you for coming out!
I had a great time while learning a good message. I appreciate it
Thanks for the entertainment! Great message behind you story. Enjoyed every minute.
Good Story, kept us engaged the whole time. Thanks for coming out.
Great job! I loved the show!
Thanks for the laughs.
I just cant turn down free shit.
Loved that your content was tailored to us in keeping that engagement. Thanks for sharing your personal message to make a difference in our lives. Glad you are doing much better — congratulations! Great show and safe travels.
Awesome show, Fiat isn’t a horrible car……..
Great story!
Thank you for sharing your time, story, some laughs with us. Greatly appreciated! Semper Fi
Thanks for the show today. Your message and delivery method was well recieved by all. Much better than the normal death by PowerPoint required training that we all have all grown to love as Marines and taken dozens of times.
My fellow Marine and I accidentally came upon your show. Our unit was trying to reserve the base theatre for a class on how to write your will, and we weren’t informed that plan was cancelled. So needless to say, we ended up spending the time at your show pretty confused what was going on, but we thoroughly enjoyed it. Thanks for your words, jokes and well thought out story. Definitely better than spending an hour learning about wills.
Thanks for visiting us at lejeune. It was a great show.
Great show for the Marines glad we got a chance to see the show.
A presentation worth attending! Thank you for spending your time with us and sharing your story. Fiat good for jokes are cool and all but have you driven a Prius?
Maybe I should proofread before I post lol.
A presentation worth attending. Thank you for spending your time with us and sharing your story and comedy.
Great show and sad story
Great wake up comedy until you got to the part with Scott… ANYWAYS GREATSHOW THANKS FOR COMING
Very good man with a great story lucky to have seen it
Loved it! Thanks for coming!
Amazing message thank you for your time and effort you put into this.
Aaron Villarreal
Great show with a positive message! Thanks for sharing your story!
Great Message today. I enjoyed it
I was there!
Thanks for avoiding the PowerPoint briefs. Will definitely recommend to others if you come back to the area!
Bernie, you KILLED it today! I’m sure something resonated with just about everyone in the crowd. Awesome job!
Bernie, you killed it today! I’m sure something resonated with at least most of us in the crowd. Awesome performance!
I immensely enjoyed this show, and the story is truly inspiring.
Loved it wish it was longer
I must admit, I was expecting to be bored when they said that it was annual training. But this show was great and I took something away from it.
Thst was a great show, and an inspiring story.
This was a great show, and an inspiring story!
Thank you for the laughs and the lessons to go along with them! You’ve found an excellent way of mixing life lessons into something people enjoy, and adding a personal touch. Look forward to seeing you again if we’re afforded the opportunity.