* To claim your prize contact [email protected]
Monday 9/15 : Jim Imhoff
Tuesday 9/16: Jaime Blanc
Wednesday 9/17- Laurie Moore
Thursday 9/18- Sidney Babineaux

Hello Killeen, TX!!   Its is such a pleasure to back here to Fort Hood, one of the largest United States military installations in the world with nearly 65,000 soldiers and family members.  Thank you for your service and dedication to our country.  Without you, our freedom wouldn’t be possible.     You are part of what has made Fort Hood “The Great Place” for six decades.  Thank you for hosting my “Happy Hour” tour.  I will be at the Palmer Theater Monday thru Thursday (Sept 14-18) at 1000 and 1300 hrs and Friday (Sept 19) at 1000 hrs.  Hope to see you there!

Ft Hood 1Ft Hood 2Ft Hood 1Ft Hood 2

 Above: Ft Hood pics and pics from the program (me and Ivory Ricks / me and the Soldiers!)

Leave a comment here for show raffle. Personal messages to Bernie – click CONTACT and I will write you back personally.