I have officially made it to Sasebo, my second trip to Japan in two months and I am excited to be back!! Man, did I have a blast today. The two standing room only crowds in the SHOWBOAT THEATER were rocking big time. You know how international travel can be: It takes you a day, two or one WEEK to recover! I did not know what to expect taking the stage 24 hrs after landing but you Sailors were outstanding and kind to me. Made my mission very enjoyable and I hope I returned the favor. DAPA’s Chief Thomas and MA1 Oslund executed a great training and CMC Davis provided a great introduction. This was a great honor to team with great OPNAV initiative for this Inspirational Summit!
Leave a comment here for show raffle. Personal messages to Bernie – click CONTACT and I will write you back personally. Raffle winner will post Wednesday!
U.S. Fleet Activities Sasebo: A United States Navy naval base in Sasebo, Japan provides facilities for the logistic support of forward-deployed units and visiting operating forces of the United States Pacific Fleet and designated tenant activities. Thank you for hosting my “Happy Hour” tour.
PHENOMENAL message ! ! You definitely killed it ! ! !
Outstanding job Bernie!!! I really enjoyed this “mandatory” show. Continiue doing what you are doing, you are doing well and making a positive impact in the process. I look forward to you coming back and I’ll definitely let as many people as possible know that the show was excellent. Thank you again for all your support and motivation!!!
Amazing. Loved everything about it!!!! Your comedy and message blended perfect and really touched me. Thank you.
Great show Bernie, good jokes great life wisdom I was able to relate to some of it. I expected to go into a boring PowerPoint training and ended up having a great time. Thank you for coming to sasebo.
Thank you so much for touring here in Sasebo for us Bernie! We really appreciate your time and commitment to better help ourselves.
Much love!
– Bonhomme Richard crew
Sasebo showboat theater!!
You definitely KILLED IT. Best Mandatory training ever..
Sasebo, Japan.
BHR Crew
The show was great! Thanks for coming out!
Sasebo, Japan
Gtwn Crew
Thank you so much for your message and your comedy Bernie. You are truly an inspiration and I appreciated you sharing your story today! Keep “killing” em!
Hoorah!! You should try mama san’s fried chicken and fries rice here in sasebo, Bernie!! Thank you for the message!!
Awesome show! The best training ive ever had in the navy! Thanks for coming out to Sasvegas and giving us a good laugh
Very great show!!! I actually stayed awake during this mandatory training!! Very great message and also very funny! Hope you can come back again! Thank you Bernie
I was thre June 3 and it was hilarious and touching
With out a doubt you killed it. Best stand up training I’ve ever had. Thanks for not killing us with a slide show but with laughter and a heart touching story.
Thank you for what you do. Thank you for the message. Thank you for making your stories relatable. I’m sure I’m speaking on everyone’s behalf of this base but the show was gold. Keep making everyone laugh
The show would have been better if it wasn’t exactly the same jokes as last year when I saw you in South Caroline. There were a few new ones I guess. Still not a bad way to spend half a work day.
You had me in tears with those jokes!! Super funny and very good stories! Loved every minute.
I was thinking here goes another death by PowerPoint presentation… That was definitely not that. Very funny and thought provoking at the same time. Killed it without a shadow of a doubt
GREAT show. Way better than a PowerPoint, and the message hit home. Definitely recommend Greg for future military “training” hahaha
*bernie how did I mess that up D:
I really enjoyed the laugh and it was much needed after everything. At the end of the day I would go again and again.
I enjoyed the show. I saw you in Great Lakes last year and you also killed it there. I loved the way you mixed comedy with a serious message. I look forward to seeing you again in the future.
Pretty funny
Great show… its a KILLING
Thanks for sharing your story, and allowing sailors to relate. Not many people stop to think that others may have gone through the same traumatic events in life. Some like to think they are the only ones who ever had to experience something like that, so they hesitate to talk to others and keep it in. Thanks for giving us a training that we didn’t need our phones to survive through… or the back of our eyelids. Always killin’ it!