“Happy Hour” is here in Yokosuka!! Japan is the final country / stop of my five country tour and it is such a great honor to be here. Thank you for hosting my tour. Commander Fleet Activities Yokosuka (CFAY) is the largest overseas U.S. Naval installation in the world and is considered to be one of the most strategically important bases in the U.S. military. I will be at the Benny Decker Theater on Monday April 28 at 0800 and 1000 hrs. Please come by and say “hey” and have some laughs!
Leave a comment here for show raffle. Personal messages to Bernie – click CONTACT and I will write you back personally.
Great show! Thanks so much for coming out and making us laugh! And thanks for sharing your story.
Hello Bernie. Great show with lots of laughs. Awesome that you knew about San Luis obispo where I’m from. Anyways have a safe trip back and thanks again.
Great show!! Very inspirational! More of our training should be like this!! Come back and visit Yokosuka again soon.
Loved the show! Wish we had more opportunities to have training like that! Awesome story as well. Please come back and visit again.
Great show. Much better than the death by PowerPoint. Thank you for coming out to make us laugh and to share your life experiences with us.
I was here, LOVED THE SHOW !!
Thank you soo much for coming by!! It was something completely different from what I thought when I was volunteered to go. Thanks again for the laughs and I’ll be following you!
Great show! Had some relation to that. Thanks for the selfie!
There wasn’t a dull moment during your performance. I was crying! Thank you for being unique and bringing something different to military training with your wonderful story. You and your family are appreciated!
Thank you for the great Monday morning wake up. Good life stories I think everyone should hear.
great show, think you lost some of the younger guys with a couple of the dated jokes but all in all great way to convey the message to the younger sailors! glad to have a monday morning without death by power point.
Thank you for your presentation. It was a fun time of laughing and being brought to the life outside the military. Thanks again
I really enjoyed your show today. Thank you for sharing your life experiences and message with us.
Thanks so much for making that one hell of an experience. First comedy show I’ve ever been to and it was awesome!!!! Much respect for teaching good things in a funny way with your own stories
Great show, look forward to seeing the next one.
Awesome show! Thank you for coming all the way to Japan to give a comedy show / training!! Your message as been taken to heart and I wish nothing but success in the future! Maybe you’ll be able to do a show at the commissary after all jk!
Loved the show man. Best of luck and keep up the awesome work.
Great show Bernie. Had an amazing because of you and when I went to work and things started to go downhill I wanted to come home and drink. Then everything you said came to play. Shows how effective and motivating you are to us . I can see myself changing how I live my lifestyle. And tell people Uncle Bernie helped me. Can’t wait to see you again.
Great show, I’m glad I was told to go. Well worth getting up out of bed for.
It was a really good show thanks for coming out all the way here to perform.