Great to be here in Utah and deliver the program to our Warriors of the Guard. Much has been asked of our Guard in recent years. We all owe a huge thank you to all of you for our Freedom. I hope you enjoyed the training today. Leave a public message here by clicking COMMENT. You can also send a personal email to me at [email protected]
Bernie Live, and Bernie with brother Sean and Sister Debra!
Sam Ramsay is the RAFFLE WINNER! Contact [email protected] to claim your book I KILLED- TRUE ROAD STORIES FROM AMERICA’s TOP COMEDIANS!
It was great to have you here today. It’s sad that a message like yours means so much more when it carries the weight of tradegy, but without your suffering, you may not be able to reach to many so profoundly. I’m sorry you had to go through what you did, but your ability to adapt has made all the difference.
Thanks for a great inspirational show.
That was completely awesome! Thank you so much for the laughs! And…thank you for sharing your story! You are an amazing man! Please come back again soon! We need you!
Juliann (LT Cook)
Great show, Bernie! Thank you for sharing your humor and your message!
Thanks for the laughs. It’s good to see you have a positive outlook on life. I love that you’ve taken so many tough situations and shared them with the world for a positive change. Keep it up! Comedy IS the cure!
Thank you for coming, we love ya! 🙂
Thanks for coming, welove ya!
Thanks… I really enjoyed your comments. Especially liked the Nyquill comments.. Soo true
Take care
Thanks for spending time with us, laughter really is the best medicine!
That was spectacular!
Hey Bernie GREAT show enjoyed the jokes and the message.
Im all about the snoooooze button, im not alone!
Great show Bernie, u killed! But… Im still rockin the speedo!
Thanks for your “service” Bernie, you truly make a difference!!
I dont know what to say. Just wanna win your book!
Thank you! Your humor and message were awesome! (Why would anyone tell you it sucked?!)
Thanks so much Bernie!
I thought you said there would only be three other people on here that wanted a free book?
This is the kind of sicide training every Soldier needs!
Thank you for coming!
Right on point buddy! Loved every minute of your show. Thank you so much for being here!
loved it, very inspiring
Great show!!
Bernie, your show sucked more the second time around than it did the first time, which I didn’t think was possible! You can take that book of yours, autograph it with a personal message that says “Jerrid, thank you for being such an inspiration in my life. You’re awesome!” and then send it to me along with a new bottle of Febreze. I might get around to reading the first 260 pages or so.
In all seriousness, you’re awesome! You’re message is such an inspiration to us all. Thank you for taking time out of your schedule and away from your family to share your life experiences. You are the ultimate power point presentation!
Thank you so much for your heartfelt message. There are so many challenges for our airmen and their families today that messages of hope and resilience such as yours give them the knowledge that others have endured painful trials in life and have survived. Thank you for that very special thing you do.
Sam Ramsay
151 Air Refueling Wing
Hey Bernie, thanks for coming! Favorite jokes were the Nyquil “Mormon Screwdriver” and the jokes about the gym.
Your story is one I’ll not soon forget.
Great story of humor and inspiration; I only wish my family could have been there today!!
Thanks for the great show. I didn’t know what to expect.
Come back and we will kill you. J/K thanks for the help after the show
Thank you for your comedy today! Your words were well received, and I wish you and your family the best in all things!
Thank You for the laughs today we all needed it. You have a great gift, thanks for sharing it with us.
Mark Roberts
Thank you Bernie! You are very funny and very inspiring! I know someone who really could learn something from your heartfelt stories. Thank you for sharing yourself with us today!
Great show and story. Thanks Bernie