Above are lines to enter the show, and an Army PSA filmed with Garrison Col Gregory
Pre-show packed house….amazing soldiers and post show troops having fun doing ‘Facebook Lips’! Very excited to be back here at Ft Stewart. A great community known as Team Stewart, it is an honor and privilege to present my Comedy ‘With a Message’ Tour to our soldiers, families and DA Civilians. Stewart current has 5,700 Dogface soldiers deployed and I am here to express my gratitude and appreciation for the entire team’s service and sacrifice. I hope you enjoyed today’s programs. I do not take my freedom for granted. Thank you Team Stewart, and ASAP for providing this incredible opportunity.
Show RAFFLE winners are INDIA and ANDREW! Contact [email protected] with your mailing address to claim your prize copy of I KILLED- TRUE ROAD STORIES from AMERICA’s TOP COMEDIANS!
Leave a public comment if you care to about the training. If you want to send a personal message to Bernie, click CONTACT and Bernie will write you back shortly. Hoorah!
Thanks for the laughs
Very good, loved ur story. Thanks
Awesome show. Great way of getting a message across. Very funny with a serious message in there as well.
The ex-lax worked. My cough is gone.
Thanks for the laughs bernie it was a great of getting ppl to smile 😀
Mr. McGrenahan, I just wanted to thank you for taking your time to share your story with us this morning. It was a nice change from the regular training that we usually receive.
Best Mandatory event I have ever gone to in Ft Stewart.
Awesome show at ft Stewart today man, funny stuff and great message
Thank you for doing what you do. It’s awesome that celebrities actually take time to give back and share their story. My sobriety date is July 15 2013. I have a new life because of sobriety. Thank you for inspiring other soldiers.
Amazing show today what you are doing for our Soliders is awesome we cant thank you enough Bernie!!!
Was a great show thanks for the laughs and really going into depth about alcohol and your personal experience that was deep.
Who knew that a mandatory comedy show could be so funny and it definitely beats death by power point. Great jokes with an even greater message! Thank you for visiting Fort Stewart!!!
Very fun show and very good message. Thank you for sharing your experiences.
Thank you come back soon
Great show. Awesome way to brief the seriousness of alcohol
Thank you sir for coming to Fort Stewart. I am very grateful for what you shared on stage =).
Proverbs 10:12 Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all offenses.
Thanks for getting me out of sweating in the motorpool Great show thanks for giving your message in an uplifting way
Bernie McGrenahan, you “KILLED” it today! That was the hardest that I laughed in a very long time, and I thank you! I’m in a slope in my life as you were in the past. So it was very nice to have a lot of laughs! After hearing your story, I definitely see light at the end of the tunnel, EVERYTHING can be fixed. Thank you again, and I hope to see your show again!
that was hilarious at what you did for us today it was funny but serious.
This was the best training ever provided at Ft Stewart. Thanks for sharing your story with us. I loved the show!!
Had a great time. Thanks for the laughs.
I saw you yesterday on ft stewart 1000 at the chapel and i must say…when i first saw your poster i judged you thinking that you would be lame and not funny and after the first few mins i instantly started to like you and wondered about when can i see your next show!Thanks so much for the laughs,tears, thoughts and sharing your story.