I had a blast at Commander, Fleet Activities Okinawa. Thank you OPNAV & Commander, Fleet Activities Okinawa for hosting my ‘Happy Hour’ Tour. We appreciate all that you do. My hat is off to you amazing Sailors, Marines, Soldiers and Airmen. You are why our Freedom is possible. We appreciate the sacrifice and service to our Nation. Congrats Kirby, who was picked from the raffle! Contact [email protected]
Thanks Sr Chief Jenkins and CMC Toomer! Awesome Sailors! Skipper Weathers
More Sailors and ME1 Murray!
My brother Sean and I! Me LIVE 🙂 My brother Scott.
Thank you for your comments. It is impossible to return all Blog comments, however if you want a reply from me, click on the ‘Contact’ link on this site and write me privately. I personally return all those messages myself. Facebook faithful you can hit me up at www.FaceBook.com/ComedianBernie ! Thank you for coming to the show!
Testing 1, 2, 3!! 🙂
Bernie i am the safety manager for CFAO and attended your show this morning. I came back to the office and sent this out trying to get more folks to attend your afternoon showing:
If you can send your folks to see Bernie at 1305 today at Crows Nest for his 1 1/2 hour comedy show, you won’t regret it.
His comedy works in his personal past which includes Drinking & Driving,
going to jail and Suicide of a family member.
He knows how to deliver his message to the audience.
I know this is short notice but I was sold on his performance and really
encourage people attend. It makes folks think!
Great message… took me by surprise. Wasn’t really expecting to laugh that early in the morning, but I did!
It was a pleasure to listen to your jokes, must importantly the experiences you shared with our troops. Theres in no doubt that life can be fun without the poisons of peer pressure and alcohol and drugs.
Anyway, I grew up LA to and good to see people around the world from our home town, Good luck to you and your brother and and God Bless..
Leo Calderon
Bernie, THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! For your show at the Crow’s Nest. I was having a REALLY bad day and the jokes and laughter made me feel better. Keep doing what you’re doing!
God Bless,
Shavonne Matulevich AKA Mattie
Thank you so much for the message and the laughter!!! I had no idea what to expect I was just told it was a comedy show but I am more than glad that I went! Thank you again!!!!!
Thank you for the powerful personal message about individual responsibility and potentially bad decisions made while under the influence of alcohol as it relates to job stress, personal relationships and peer influence. Your delivery method of this subject matter was exceptional and the best I’ve seen in years, and really touched EVERYONE in the room this afternoon at the Crow’s Nest in Okinawa. I thank you for sharing your personal story with us, in a fun filled setting with laughter and jokes. THANK YOU and GOD BLESS you and your family always! May you always have the strength to carry this message and relate to our young people, you are a HERO to me for doing this; for the lives and careers you will save. Take Care, Jeff Kirby, CMC, VP-16, Deployed Kadena AFB
hey Bernie i was there @ the afternoon show i wasnt sure what i was getting myself into but im truly glad i came wasnt expecting to have such a good time. Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to come and share your knowledge with us here in Okinawa. Be Blessed!!!!!
Hey Bernie, I went to your show this afternoon and I have to say you are truly a great comedian. I must take a lot of courage to stand up in front of a large audience and tell the story you told and share your experiences with all of us and I was honored to have heard your story. It was a great show and I had a lot of laughs and took a lot away from your message. I hope you enjoyed Okinawa and especially Kadena and Camp Shields and I hope you get a chance to come back again!! Thank you for making us laugh.
I just wanted to thank you for your message at the crows nest. It was much better than anticipated. I thank you for telling your story the way you did, it really touched me as well as everyone else. Thank you again!
Bernie, thank you for sharing your history and family with us! I am glad a few of us had a chance to have dinner with you at the Garlic House tonight! I attached my FB page so you can copy any photos of Okinawa you want. Also, don’t forget to LIKE Commander Fleet Activities Okinawa. Have a safe trip! Brian
Thank you for coming down to Okinawa, I got to see your show this afternoon and had a great much needed laugh, it was GREAT! The Garlic House was fantastic as well, it was really nice getting to meet you and hopefully I will catch up with you in Cali. Have a safe trip back.
Thanks for the message. Hope the everyone listened. You have a big heart to come out and make us laugh.
Even though I was forced to be there and at first very irritated that I was your show was great and I definitely left in a better mood. Good luck in your future travels and endevors.
It’s great to hear your amazing testimony to so many sailors. Thank you for the laughs. Your brothers seem amazing thanks for sharing about them
Attended your show, very funny…even though you picked on me! And definitely reaches people, Great job.
Great show/speech today! Im in the same boat as you as far as enjoying the sober life. Finding the simple pleasures that people take for granted are definately what life is worth living for. Just wanted to say thank you for getting to people here in a way that I never could, while at the same time bringing a smile to everyone’s face. It’s hard to talk about a subject like that and keep the crowd intrigued at the same time and I just wanted to let you know that it was greatly appreciated by EVERYBODY. Im also very sorry to hear about your brother. It sounds like he was a great guy behind his stubborn personality. Also, thank you for the shout out to ‘the ladies’! Made me feel warm and fuzzy on the inside for a change. You don’t get a lot of appreciation from your peers when you are actually in the service. It’s ‘equal opportunity’ at it’s finest *sarcasm* so the men around here just treat us like ‘one of the guys’ for the most part but I appreciate the love.
P.S. Best mando meeting I have EVER had!
I love your show. The best way to communicate with people – is to get their attention by making them laugh and also make them think at the same time. You are definitely on top of your game and you connected with a lot of folks around here. There will probably be more squared-away sailors and soldiers turning a new leave, partly because you told a story that people can remember for a long time, and use it as a reference point to check themselves.
The show was great, thanks for the laughs and for sharing your story.
Hello, Bernie! Enjoyed the show in Okinanwa. Thanks for sharing your very heartfelt story with the sailors. It very touching. I couold tell that it was coming from a real place in your heart. Congratulations on being sober for 24 years. Keep up the good work and keep influencing military members around the world to pass along your words of wisdom. I believe that God allowed those things to happen in your life so that you can minister to millions; even if you just reach one! God bless…
Great Show yesterday. I almost lost my best friend and younger cousin to a drunk driver. This happened one week before I left for the Navy. Before that day I too had driven when I shouldn’t have but after that day and having to rush them to the hospital in my car I have never done it again. Your message brought up that day and reminded me to stress to my Sailors that drinking and driving is a game that you can’t win!
P.S. Don’t forget the newspaper in your shoes!!!!!