Thursday raffle winners: Dante Sigears and Ashley Gonzales.  CONGRATS!
Friday’s two Palmer Theater winners: Amber Wells and David Jordan.  CONGRATS!! 

I want to thank everyone who participated in the Events today and for not only sharing some laughter but for bringing awareness to such a serious topic.  The Incredible Suicide Prevention Team at Ft Hood led by Sharon and supported by Kenya, Ronnie, Stephanie, Paula, and many others is one of the most efficient and caring in our Armed Forces.  Nicknamed the ‘Great Place’ , Ft Hood holds a special place in my heart and I am so honored to be invited back to be a part of your Resiliency Day!  Fort Hood is the Army’s Premier Installation to train and deploy heavy forces. It is also the only post in the United States capable of stationing and training two Armored Divisions.  It was an honor to serve you, and not only do I want to thank you personally, but my brother Sean felt like a Rock Star when you gave him such an amazing greeting center stage! All made possible by the kind heart of his sister in law, our sweet Melissa. 🙂  The two Palmer Theater shows are directly below.  The lower half photos are from yesterday in the gym.  Note: I apologize for the poor quality of the photos.  We had lighting and camera tech issues.  Oh well, you get the vibe ( I HOPE! )   
   hood10 hood1 hood5 hood9

hood4 hood6 hood7 hood8   hood11 hood12 hood2 hood3 
BELOW are the gym pics from Thursday.   

Main gate at the Fort Hood Army Base Ft Hood soldiers 1 4

6 8 10 5
7 9 22

Personal messages to Bernie – click CONTACT and I will write you back personally.